
These electronic articles are posted for individual, non-commercial use to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly work. Downloading a document should be considered a request by you for a single copy. Peer-reviewed conference proceedings, that subsequently grew into journal articles, are indicated under the reference for the journal article. Representative papers are highlighted in pink. 


Journal articles and peer-reviewed conference proceedings

Kunin, L., Piccolo, S., Saxe, R., & Liu, S. (2024). Perceptual and conceptual novelty independently guide infant looking behaviour: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nature Human Behaviour. [OSF] [Supplement]

Raz, G., Piccolo, S. H., Medrano, J. A., Liu, S., Lydic, K., Mei, C., Ngyuen, V., Shu, T., & Saxe, R. (2024). An asynchronous, automated workflow for looking time experiments with infants. Developmental Psychology. [OSF] [Supplement]

Woo, B. M., Liu, S., Gweon, H., & Spelke, E. S. (2024). Toddlers prefer agents who help those facing harder tasks. Open Mind, 8, 483–499. [OSF] [Supplement]

Liu, S., Lydic, K., Mei, J., & Saxe, R. (2024). Violations of physical and psychological expectations in the human adult brain. Imaging Neuroscience, 2, 1-25. [OSF] [Supplement] [OpenNeuro]

Woo, B. M., Liu, S., & Spelke, E. S. (2023). Infants rationally infer the goals of other people’s reaches in the absence of first-person experience with reaching actions. Developmental Science, e13453. [OSF]

Liu, S., & Almeida, M. (2023). Knowing before doing: Review and mega-analysis of action understanding in prereaching infants. Psychological Bulletin, 149(5-6), 294–310. [OSF] [Supplement]

Liu, S., Raz, G., Kamps, F. K., Grossmann, T., & Saxe, R. (2023). No evidence for discontinuity between infants and adults. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

Erel, Y., Adams Shannon, K., Scott, K., Cao, P., Tan, X., Hart, P., Kline Struhl, M., Chu, J., Raz, G., Piccolo, S., Mei, C., Potter, C., Jaffe-Dax, S., Lew-Williams, C., Tenenbaum, J., Fairchild, K., Bermano, A., & Liu, S. (2023). iCatcher+: Robust and automated annotation of infants’ and young children’s gaze direction from videos collected in laboratory, field, and online studies. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Sciences, 6(2), 1-23. [OSF] [github] [poster

Liu, S., Pepe, B., Ganesh Kumar, M., Ullman, T. D., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Spelke, E. S. (2022). Dangerous ground: One-year-old infants are sensitive to peril in other agents’ action plans. Open Mind, 6, 211-231. [OSF] [Supplement]

Gjata, N. N., Ullman, T. D., Spelke, E. S., & Liu, S. (2022). What could go wrong: Adults and children calibrate predictions and explanations of others' actions based on relative reward and danger. Cognitive Science, 46(7), e13163. [OSF] [Supplement]

Chuey, A., Asaba, M., Bridgers, S., Carrillo, B., Dietz, G., Garcia, T., Leonard, J. A., Liu, S., Merrick, M., Radwan, S., Stegal, J., Velez, N., Woo, B., Wu, Y., Zhou, X. J., Frank, M. C., & Gweon, H. (2021). Moderated online data-collection for developmental research: Methods and replications. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 4968. [OSF] [Supplement]

Shu, T., Bhandwaldar, A., Gan, C., Smith, K. A., Liu, S., Gutfreund, D., Spelke, E., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Ullman, T. D. (2021). AGENT: A benchmark for core psychological reasoning. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). [Project site]

Journal articles and peer-reviewed conference proceedings (prior to 2020)

Liu, S., Cushman, F. A., Gershman, S. J., Kool, W., & Spelke, E. S. (2019). Hard choices: Children’s understanding of the cost of action selection. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Liu, S., McCoy, J. P., & Ullman, T. D. (2019). People’s perceptions of others’ risk preferences. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Liu, S., Brooks, N. B. & Spelke, E. S. (2019). Origins of the concepts cause, cost, and goal in prereaching infants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (36), 17747-17752. [OSF] [Supplement]

Liu, S., Gonzalez, G., & Warneken, F. (2018). Worth the wait: Children trade off delay and reward in self- and other-benefiting decisions. Developmental Science, e12702. [OSF] [Supplement]

Liu, S., Ullman, T. D., Tenenbaum, J. B., & Spelke, E. S. (2017). Ten-month-old infants infer the value of goals from the costs of actions. Science, 358(6366), 1038- 1041. [OSF] [Supplement]

Liu, S., & Spelke, E. S. (2017). Six-month-old infants expect agents to minimize the cost of their actions. Cognition, 160, 35-42. [OSF] [Supplement]

Parkinson, C., Liu, S., & Wheatley, T. (2014). A common cortical metric for spatial, temporal, and social distance. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(5), 1979-1987.